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Breaking Through what Suppresses You

The idea for this painting came to me a few tears ago when I was trying to decide if I was going to uproot my life. The standard route my life was on included a relationship that was no longer healthy for me. The novel path I was contemplating was not one with paved roads, but one I would have to carve out from the wilderness.
This painting is the overview. 
The fonts chosen represent visually what I saw/felt. 
The first is the traditional Defy with all its rigors and structures. The next, for Defly and Fly, represents the struggle of actually tearing yourself from what has been. It is a rough and scary time but well worth the pain to get to the glassy, flowing, freeing font of being Free. Removing yourself from what binds you, stifles you, constrains you, suppresses you, is not always easy but well worth it to be free of it and truly fly.

Breaking Through What Suppressing You by
36' x 48"  acrylic on canvas

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